Bolognese puppies are 13 weeks old
Caterina’s singleton puppy and Eleonora’s 3 boys have turned 13 weeks old.
Caterina’s singleton puppy and Eleonora’s 3 boys have turned 13 weeks old.
Caterina’s singleton puppy and Eleonora’s 3 boys have turned 12 weeks old.
We had a great time at the annual NWSWS Year End Bash UKC show. On December 28 and 29, Elfin’s Giovanna received 2nd place in the Companion Group and showed everyone her cute smile.
On December 30 and 31, our puppies’ dad, LWW Cesare, received 1st place in the Companion Group 3 times, and on New Year’s Eve, he won Best in Show!!
Thank you very much to Judges Richard Klatt, Stanley Matsumoto, and Antonio Raposo.
Photo credits from top left to right, top to bottom: @ Lexi D Photography, @ Lexi D Photography, Brazen Faith Imaging, Elfin Bolognese, @DenaliandCoPhoto
They turned turned 3 weeks old today!
Here are our 12-week-old Bolognese puppies.
Siena is qualified for Crufts 2018 and we were so excited to fill out the entry form at end of last month. We received a letter from The Kennel Club:
But we decided not to go to Crufts this year.
They are all this size: